Private Equity Partners aims to be a leading and long term consolidated investor in Private Equity e Venture Capital, based in Italy but with a strong international presence and network, focusing on first class Italian medium sized companies, willing to grow and to internationalize, actively helping them to increase their dimension and value within an industrial and long term view.

Private Equity Partners

Private Equity Partners’ investment strategy is based on the use of different investment structures and tools according to the distinctive features of the deal in question, in order to address every situation in the most efficient and effective way. The pillars of this strategy are professionalism, flexibility, creativity, social responsibility, reliability, fairness, ethics and willingness to adapt its business model, skills and structures to the changing environment and participated companies’ needs.
Private Equity Partners’ core business is to invest equity capital in first class and unlisted Italian companies operating in different sectors, well managed and willing to grow and to internationalize, acquiring majority and minority interests in a wide variety of industries and providing them with professional and qualified support for their expansion and consolidation strategies both on national and international level, with the final objective of increasing their value in the medium and long term.
With privileged access to large amounts of financial resources, other than its own and of the managed funds, investments of almost any type and size can be approached.

Private Equity Partners
A unique strategic feature of Private Equity Partners is its great operating flexibility and the consequent possibility of recurring to different investment structures and/or types of investors and/or timing of intervention in a highly professional way and according to the distinctive features of the deal in question.

Types of deals accomplished by Private Equity Partners:
Expansion Capital and pre-IPO Financing
In Expansion Capital and pre-IPO financing deals Private Equity Partners has a long-standing and recognized leadership in the Italian market.
Ideal targets are first class well-managed Italian medium sized companies with a strong orientation to grow and internationalize their activities with the final objective to be listed in a regulated market.
In this kind of deal Private Equity Partners privileges the acquisition of minority interests in the company in question, operating in close contact with its entrepreneur and/or management team, following a shared growth strategy and actively supporting its development, acquisition and internationalization processes.
Buy & Build (Creation of industrial clusters)
PEP has implemented several Buy & Build deals, aimed to create industrial clusters operating in specific strategic-product markets in order to establish, in a short period of time, bigger corporate entities endowed with the necessary dimension, synergies and qualified management to efficiently and effectively compete in an increasingly complex and international environment.
Buy Out, with particular reference to Management Buy Out (MBO) deals
With over 30 years’ experience in the Italian market, Private Equity Partners’ team of experts has helped many groups of managers become entrepreneurs. In many cases, such deals have been realized within a spin-off process from national and international groups, in generational change situations.
Early Stage and Venture Capital
On certain carefully selected cases and mainly recurring to its own resources, PEP has made investments in Early Stage situations, where general conditions and management quality and skills have been considered fitting with its investment approach.
SPACs (Special Purpose Acquisition Companies)
Thanks to the strategic partnership developed with Equita Group S.p.A., since 2017 Private Equity Partners has been able to operate through the instrument of the SPAC, a vehicle particularly suited to companies aiming to a fast listing on a Stock Exchange, minimizing the risks and uncertainties linked to the process and benefiting at the same time from the support of highly qualified and professional institutional partners, both before and after the listing.
Club Deals
In this type of deals, successfully carried out by Private Equity Partners for a long time, specific categories of investors, both institutional and private ones (Family offices included) are involved, whose characteristics and timing of investment are consistent with the needs and dimensions of the investee companies and who can contribute to the development of the investee companies with useful relationships and contacts.
Search Funds
In this type of operations, Private Equity Partners cooperates with the Searcher as a Sponsor/Accelerator and specific categories of investors are selected, who can provide their professional support, contacts and relation network, both at a national and international level.