Private Equity Partners S.p.A.

Private Equity Partners S.p.A. is a primary independent financial company, founded and fully controlled by Fabio Sattin and Giovanni Campolo, registered under Italian Banking law and specialized in Private Equity and Venture Capital investments.
Private Equity Partners S.p.A. operates by using its own capital and through structured co-investment agreements and strategic partnerships with Italian and international first class investors and operators and/or the funds managed by its fully controlled subsidiary, Private Equity Partners SGR.
Operational since 1989, Private Equity Partners’ team has developed an established and successful experience which places it indisputably among the leaders in the Private Equity and Venture Capital industry in Italy.
With 30 years' experience, more than 60 transactions concluded and several listings carried out both in Italy and abroad, PEP's investment approach has always been to provide participated companies with a qualified, reliable and professional support in defining and realizing their development strategies and international expansion.
A unique strategic feature of Private Equity Partners is its great operating flexibility and the consequent possibility of recurring to different investment structures and/or types of investors and/or timing of intervention in a highly professional way and according to the distinctive features of the operation in question.

Private Equity Partners SGR
In 2001 Private Equity Partners S.p.A. established the fully controlled subsidiary, Private Equity Partners SGR, operating as "Management Company" for JP Morgan Italian Fund III and Private Equity Partners Fund IV. Both Funds are entirely subscribed by international institutional investors with high financial and professional profiles.
Private Equity Partners SGR is registered in the SGR Register of the Bank of Italy.

Private Equity Partners MEMBERSHIP
Since its inception PEP has subscribed to the principal industry associations: Invest Europe (formerly known as EVCA- European Private Equity & Venture Capital Association), Italian Association of Private Equity Venture Capital and Private Debt (AIFI) and is registered in the General Register of Financial Operators under the Italian Banking Law.
Furthermore, PEP was one of the first Italian signatories to the Principles for Responsible Investment, a United Nations' initiative developed together with many of the world's leading institutional investors (Principles for Responsible Investment - UNPRI).